Longer lasting anti skid surface
ULTIGRIP is a long lasting anti-skid surface.
Designed to improve road safety and reduce the risk of accidents, ULTIGRIP provides a long lasting, textured finish that improves visibility and skid resistance in high risk locations where the client requirement rules out conventional asphalt.
ULTIGRIP is BBA HAPAS certified as a Clause 942 thin surface course and is installed quickly as a combined anti skid and surface course.
ULTIGRIP is one of Tarmac's Ultimate range of high performance asphalts.
Alternative to High Friction Surfacing (HFS)
Providing comparable skid resistance to high friction surfaces but with reduced risk of delamination and longer lasting performance, ULTIGRIP long lasting anti-skid surface delivers lasting texture on high risk sections of road.
Improving safety on dangerous roads
ULTIGRIP helps to improving safety on dangerous roads and accident hotspots. It provides better SCRIM performance than standard asphalt with long lasting micro texture to improve safety on high risk roads and at known accident hotspots.
Alternative to road realignment
Where road layout has created a safety risk, ULTIGRIP long lasting anti-skid surface offers an alternative to major road realignment that improves safety while reducing cost and disruption.
Guarantees and accreditation

Additional info
ULTIGRIP is available in grey as a standard product with colour matched aggregate.
ULTIGRIP is a longer lasting anti-skid surface, designed to reduce the risk of road accidents.
ULTIGRIP is just one of the many innovative asphalt solutions form Tarmac.
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