ULTISuDS is a fast draining porous asphalt for car parks.
ULTISuDS porous asphalt has been developed in response to growing concerns over flood risk management resulting from expanded urban and commercial development, the under capacity of our drainage systems and increased weather variability.
Tarmac also supply ULTIFLOW, a range of aggregates designed for use in Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).
ULTISuDS is BBA HAPAS accredited for use within a pervious pavement for surface water source control, in lightly trafficked areas such as car parks, residential and urban roads.
ULTISuDS porous asphalt is only available for installation by accredited contractors who have full access to expert training, advice and technical support. This ensures that the client receives an excellent finish every time.

Where can ULTISuDS be used?
Porous asphalt for all weather car parks
ULTISuDS meets planning requirements for sustainable drainage and avoids puddles and standing water to provide a fast draining, all weather driveway surface.
Porous asphalt for all weather retail parks
ULTISuDS asphalt provides a safe, fast draining, all weather surface for retail parks to avoid puddles and standing water.
Responsibly sourced SuDs solutions
ULTISuDS porous asphalt is designed for use in sustainable drainage systems that meet the requirements of current environmental legislation.
Why use ULTISuDS?
Guarantees and accreditation

*5 year guarantee potentially available through our accredited contractor scheme
Additional info
ULTISuDS surface coarse asphalts are manufactured with advanced binder technology that when used in conjunction with the specially designed ULTISuDS base/binder, provides effective drainage and maintains long term durability.
ULTISuDS porous asphalt is a designed range for use in sustainable drainage systems that meet the requirements of current environmental legislation and to help reduce the risk of flooding by managing surface water at source.
ULTISuDS asphalt provides effective water management. Conventional paved surfaces are designed to shed water. Unfortunately, under storm conditions, this can mean large volumes of water rapidly entering water courses and resulting in local flooding. In contrast, ULTISuDS is designed to capture and control rainwater from the moment as it makes contact with the porous paved surface. This results in significant reductions in the speed and volume of discharged water, reducing the risk of flash flooding.
The ULTISuDS asphalt range is incorporated into porous asphalt designed pavements, such as the parking areas associated with retail and business areas. The asphalt pavement provides a surface water runoff to infiltrate across its entire porous asphalt surface into the granular layers.
ULTISuDS is only available for installation by Tarmac accredited contractors and has BBA certification. Coloured porous asphalt options are available in our Ulticolour range.
Case studies
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