Rail Transport

With more than 60 rail-connected sites nationwide we are one of the country’s biggest users of the rail freight network, transporting around nine million tonnes of materials across the UK every year. 

National Network

With an unrivalled national network and an ongoing commitment to develop and enhance our rail freight capabilities we are able to move materials to where they are need in a highly efficient way, resulting in fewer lorries on the roads, improved air quality and reduced carbon emissions – all contributing to a lower carbon built environment. 


As a strong advocate for the use of rail freight in supporting the delivery of our national infrastructure ambitions [link to Promoting rail freight page] we continually invest in new terminals and handling facilities, as well as the latest equipment both on the rails and at our sites to ensure our operations are as efficient as possible. For a recent example take a look at this story on award-winning work at our Battersea readymix plant [insert link].

Complete logistics

Sustainable options and solutions don’t stop at the rail terminal. Our rail operations are part of a  balanced logistics portfolio, delivering materials in bulk to strategic urban locations for onward ‘last mile’ delivery by road – read more about our road transport operations.

Our latest news

New carbon-negative aggregate could help National Highways on road to net zero

July 24, 2024
A new carbon-negative aggregate is being trialled on a stretch of motorway as part of National Highways' hunt for new and innovative solutions to help...
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The Lochend Stones: new public artwork for Lochend Woods 

July 12, 2024
A new art installation and woodland trail, The Lochend Stones, has been unveiled at Lochend Woods in Dunbar. It features seven carved stone artworks by...
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Redbridge first in London to trial groundbreaking new asphalt

July 11, 2024
A road resurfacing scheme in London has used a new material that has enabled the city to lay asphalt with a significantly lower carbon footprint....
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Tarmac accelerates plans for the future at exclusive customer event

July 4, 2024
Following the success of 2023, Tarmac hosted its second NextGen 2030+ event on 27 June 2024 to continue leading the conversation and accelerate change in...
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Tarmac trials UK first EV tipper for low emissions transport

June 20, 2024
In a UK-first, leading building materials and construction solutions provider Tarmac is trialling an all-electric tipper truck in Walsall, West Midlands. With an ambitious commitment...
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Net zero plant and logistics – the opportunities uncovered

June 13, 2024
Ben Garner, low carbon logistics lead, talks about the opportunities uncovered and the journey to net zero highways construction in the UK.
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Tarmac launches new modern and sustainable asphalt plant

June 6, 2024
A new state-of-the-art, sustainable asphalt plant in Trowse, Norwich has been officially opened by Tarmac. It will supply the latest in low carbon surfacing materials...
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Volunteers help to deliver £4m of social impact on Tarmac’s sites across Herts

June 3, 2024
A new report from Tarmac, the sustainable building materials and construction solutions business, reveals how Hertfordshire’s communities have benefitted from £4m of social impact generated...
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New app to improve the sustainability of concrete wins Tarmac Innovation Challenge

May 28, 2024
An innovative digital analysis tool that can help to improve the sustainability of concrete has been named the winner of Tarmac’s 2023 Innovation Challenge –...
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Tarmac winners at the Esri UK Customer Success Award 2024

May 23, 2024
The Geographic Information System (GIS) team at Tarmac won the Esri UK Customer Success Award for Excellence in Analytical Insights, at the Esri UK Annual...
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Rail capability statistics

£2m saved in sourcing switches enabled by rail


4% more tonnage on each train (vs 2018)


£670k delivered in cost saving initiatives


50% reduction in freight operator train cancellations


£750k of CI benefits delivered since 2016


Promoting Rail Freight

The rail freight movement of cement, aggregates and other construction materials is a national sustainability success story, having a vital part in the supply chain of the construction industry and helping to deliver a lower carbon built environment.

Tarmac plays a lead role in advocating and promoting the use of rail freight in the construction industry as well as advancing innovation and collaborative working. 

This includes being an active member of the Rail Freight Group and the Mineral Product Industry’s Rail Group. As part of this we share a collective commitment to:

Increase the average payload per train
Support the development of the rail network and terminals
Promote rail freight as the preferred solution for supplying major infrastructure schemes
Improve the safety and environmental performance of our rail operations
Be a responsible user of the network, achieving continuous improvement commitment to innovation and driving efficiencies 

Find out more about these commitments and the opportunity for rail freight to support UK infrastructure ambitions. 

Learn More

We're also passionate about showcasing our rail operations and industry as widely as possible.  Most recently we took a staring turn in educational film with leading online children’s educational video platform, Toddler Fun Learning.

Our business isn't simply about construction materials, it's about the people.

Sustainable construction, our job is to protect valuable resources for the future.
